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akg5547192 Valadon, Suzanne; 1865-1938. "La boîte à violon" (Der Geigenkasten), 1923. Öl auf Leinwand, 92 x 100 cm. Inv. Nr. AMVP 1712. Paris, Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: This artwork is not in the public domain. It is your responsibility to obtain all necessary third party permissions from the copyright handler in your country prior to publication. © André Utter.
akg5547203 Valore, Lucie, eigentl. Lucie Veau, verwitwete Robert Pauwels, ab 1935 verehelichte Maurice Utrillo; franz. Malerin; Angoulême 1878 - Paris 19. 8. 1965. - "Portrait de Madame Maurice Utrillo (Portrait de Lucie Valore)". - Gemälde, 1937, von Suzanne Valadon (1865-1938), der Schwiegermutter der Dargestellten. Öl auf Leinwand, 56 x 46 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: This artwork is not in the public domain. It is your responsibility to obtain all necessary third party permissions from the copyright handler in your country prior to publication. © André Utter.
akg5547184 Paris (Frankreich), 18. Arr., Montmartre / Butte Montmartre, Maison 12, Rue Cortot (ab 1876 Atelier Auguste Renoirs, später von Suzanne Valadon, André Utter, Maurice Utrillo, Émile Bernard u. a.; ab 1960 Musée de Montmartre). - "12 Rue Cortot". - Aquarell,1947, von André Utter (1886-1948). Auf Papier, 27,5 x 38 cm. Ecublens (Schweiz), Sammlung André Held. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION.
akg5547190 Valadon, Suzanne; 1865-1938. "Oeufs de cane" (Enteneier), 1931. Öl auf Leinwand, 34 x 48 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: This artwork is not in the public domain. It is your responsibility to obtain all necessary third party permissions from the copyright handler in your country prior to publication. © André Utter.
akg3010468 Utrillo, Maurice, 1883 - 1955, French painter. - "Le jardin de la maison d'Utrillo" (The Garden of the House of Utrillo). - Painting, 1913, by André Utter (1886-1948). Oil on canvas, 100 × 81 cm. Inv.no. 8876. Geneva, Musée du Petit Palais. Museum: Geneva, Musée du Petit Palais.
akg1029368 Utter, André; French painter. Paris 1886 - Paris 1948. André Utter in his studio in Montmartre (Paris, France). Photo, undated (c. 1947). Copyright: For editorial use only. For editorial use only.
akg5547182 André Utter, 1886-1948, French painter. "Le Pont Royal", 1903. Painting. Oil on canvas, 26 x 33 cm. Ecublens (Switzerland), collection of André Held. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION.
akg4758077 Utrillo, Maurice, 1883 - 1955, French painter. - "Maurice Utrillo en 1910" (Maurice Utrillo in 1910). - Painting, 1910, by André Utter (1886-1948). Oil on chipboard, 45 x 39 cm. Inv. AM 2432 P. Musée National d'Art Moderne, Paris.
akg5547189 Utter, André; französischer Maler (Ehemann der Malerin Suzanne Valadon); Paris 20. 3. 1886 - ebd. 7. 2. 1948. - "Portrait d'André Utter" (Bildnis André Utter). - Gemälde, 1932, von Suzanne Valadon (1865-1938). Öl auf Holz, 35 x 27 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: This artwork is not in the public domain. It is your responsibility to obtain all necessary third party permissions from the copyright handler in your country prior to publication. © André Utter.
akg5547194 Valadon, Suzanne; 1865-1938. "Maison de la Rue Cortot, au printemps" (Haus in der Rue Cortot im Frühling), 1919. (Paris, 18. Arrondissement, Montmartre, Maison 12 Rue Cortot, Blick aus dem Atelierfenster der Künstlerin. Heute Musée de Montmartre). Öl auf Leinwand, 54 x 65 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: This artwork is not in the public domain. It is your responsibility to obtain all necessary third party permissions from the copyright handler in your country prior to publication. © André Utter.
akg5547164 Utter, André; 1886-1948. "Nature morte au bouquet de fleurs" (Stillleben mit Blumenstrauß), 1920. Öl auf Leinwand, 73 x 60 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION.
akg5547186 Valadon, Suzanne; 1865-1938. "Portrait de femme" (Frauenbildnis), um 1920. Öl auf Leinwand, 43 x 50 cm. Inv. Nr. ML 76/3053, Köln, Museum Ludwig. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: This artwork is not in the public domain. It is your responsibility to obtain all necessary third party permissions from the copyright handler in your country prior to publication. © André Utter.
akg3010470 Utrillo, Maurice, 1883 - 1955, French painter. - Portrait. - Painting, 1925, by André Utter (1886-1948). Oil on canvas, 45 × 38 cm. Inv.no. 9615. Geneva, Musée du Petit Palais. Museum: Geneva, Musée du Petit Palais.
akg5547196 Valadon, Suzanne; 1865-1938. "Petite fille au miroir" (Mädchen mit Spiegel), 1909. Öl auf Leinwand, 104 x 75 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: This artwork is not in the public domain. It is your responsibility to obtain all necessary third party permissions from the copyright handler in your country prior to publication. © André Utter.
akg940714 Suzanne Valadon, 1865 -1938, French painter. "Suzanne Valadon se coiffant" (Suzanne Valadon, combing). Painting, 1913, by André Utter (1886-1948). Oil on canvas, 116 × 61 cm. Inv. No. 8382. Geneva, Musée du Petit Palais. Museum: Geneva, Musée du Petit Palais.
akg5547188 Utrillo, Maurice; französischer Maler (Sohn der Malerin Suzanne Valadon); Paris 26. 12. 1883 - Dax 5. 11. 1965. - "Maurice Utrillo enfant" (Kinderbildnis Maurice Utrillos). - Zeichnung, 1886, von Suzanne Valadon (1865-1938). Rötel auf Papier, 34,3 x 29 cm. Inv.Nr. AM 1484 D. Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, Musée National d'Art Moderne. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: This artwork is not in the public domain. It is your responsibility to obtain all necessary third party permissions from the copyright handler in your country prior to publication. © André Utter.
alb3109819 Naturaleza muerta. Museum: MUSEE TOULOUSE-LAUTREC / ALBI / FRANCIA. Author: ANDRE UTTER.
akg5547193 Utrillo, Maurice; französischer Maler (Sohn der Malerin Suzanne Valadon); Paris 26. 12. 1883 - Dax 5. 11. 1965. - "Portrait d'Utrillo" (Bildnis Utrillos). - Gemälde, 1921, von Suzanne Valadon (1865-1938). Öl auf Karton, 66 x 52 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: This artwork is not in the public domain. It is your responsibility to obtain all necessary third party permissions from the copyright handler in your country prior to publication. © André Utter.
alb3349846 Jardin de la maison d'Utrillo. Museum: Musée du Petit Palais, Geneva. Author: UTTER, ANDRE.
alb3349844 Suzanne Valadon Combing Her Hair. Museum: MUSEE D'ART MODERNE DE LA VILLE DE PARIS. Author: UTTER, ANDRE.

Total de Resultados: 20

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